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It's all part of the strategy.

We are committed to helping you attract the right talent for your business.

Our three core services are designed to streamline your recruitment process, whether you need expert shortlisting, targeted advertising, or a fully managed solution. No matter your hiring challenge, we provide the support you need to find the right talent -- quickly and effectively.

“Advertise in just one medium and you are drastically reducing your ability to hire.”

When we start planning your advertising strategy, we first assess your current position against the market and your competitors. Using our indepth market insights, experience and knowledge of recruitment, we identify how you can stand out from others in your field to give you the best chance of attracting job seekers.

Then we review your media mix to ensure you are advertising where your ideal candidate is living, working and playing. You need a clearly defined target audience and a unique message as the key here is standing out from your competitors!  We use our own statistical data plus information from our media partners to build a media schedule specific to your objective. We work with over 800 media across the country, digital platforms, social platforms, job boards, newspapers, television, radio and billboards. If your audience is on it or near it, we will be recommending it to you.

This process usually includes re-writing your adverts, reviewing all online touchpoints such as company pages on LinkedIn, Indeed, Facebook and your careers page to ensure they are all aligned and create a seamless candidate experience.

Once we have a plan, we set the wheels in motion to create videos, static ads, content, social media plans, all the parts necessary to bring your campaign to life.

Talent Propeller do a wonderful job and are so easy to talk to. They are so creative in their job advertisements and do it with such efficiency. They put the ‘Talent’ in Talent Propeller.
Blooms Pretzels Blooms Pretzels
Case Study Read about how we improved Blooms Pretzels' recruitment process.
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